Sitemap - 2024 - The Fact Super-Checker!

A little history: Dr Abram Hoffer MD

Gain a School of Modern Naturopathy Diploma

Medicine is about to change forever

Use your old phone as a dashcam

Re-grow receding gums

The science of detox: Part 8

From the archives

New recipe: Mac'n Cheesy

The science of detox: Part 7

Chlorine dioxide and oxygen therapy

Programmable money

A personal message to my subscribers

Artificial weather is real

Can you catch a cold?

Water-powered cars are coming sooner than you think

Who wrote the Old Testament?

Sound healing

All you need to know about Helicobacter

Healthy pasta, Indian feast, gluten-free flour

Dr Sam Bailey: DDT poisoning

Latest updates 2024-03-24

The News (Uncensored!)

The science of detox: Part 6

Truth warrior Mark Sexton speaks to MI5

The Invisible Rainbow

Quickies and links: 2024-03-17

Nutraceuticals: The research

Healthy meal prep recipes

The science of detox: Part 5

Fascists and nonsense

Propagate fruit trees, control slugs and other cool tips

The science of detox: Part 4

Why do we have to learn this from a robot?

The science of detox: Part 3

Beet hummus and 4 more cool tips

What is Nesara/Gesara?

Zdorovie: the med bed for serious diseases

The science of detox: Part 2

The Real News: Look out for September

YouthfulPod: the age regression med bed

VitalBeat: the med bed to heal the heart and circulation

Neuro Balance: the med bed that heals the subconscious mind

Dr Kary Mullis

Lyubovi: the med bed for sexual and reproductive health

The science of detox: Part 1

Vkusno: The med bed for digestion and diabetes

Make your own plant-based yoghurt

You need to decide now

Baking soda as chemotherapy?

What you didn't know about George Floyd

Easy blackout solution

Binokoli: The eyes and ears med bed

Sciastie: The teeth and bones med bed

The Trusted Voices

There WILL be people stupid enough...

How to use a pressure cooker safely

Electric vehicles update

President Trump: Lifting the veil

Ageing: Can you actually turn the clock back?

Italy: Health Minister investigated for concealing vaccine deaths

New study: Nanoplastics in bottled water

Versatile new recipe

Epstein's full flight logs - UNREDACTED

A female Brit's thoughts about guns