Apparently the cloud-seeding trails that we can all see in the sky should not be called “chemtrails”. Your government will pretend they don’t know what that means. It’s a great excuse to deny what they are doing.
The “correct” term seems to be “Solar Radiation Management” or SRM. Well, that’s a new one on me. What SRM actually consists of is using aircraft to create trails of cloud-seeding chemicals.
Cloud seeding is a common technique that serves several climate purposes. Weather modification activities are performed by dispersing seeding agent particles into the air to produce cloud condensation or ice nuclei. Silver iodide (AgI) is the preferred agent for these purposes because it has a crystalline structure similar to that of ice, which can induce the freezing of super cooled water. Most cloud-seeding operations use acetone generators in which AgI is suspended in acetone. The acetone is burned, producing a smoke of ice nuclei. This method allows generators to be located on the ground where they can use natural turbulence to carry ice nuclei into the cloud.
Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and a toxic pollutant. Because cloud seeding activities release silver iodide to the atmosphere over specific areas, and because the total amount of released silver iodide can be achieved in some cases higher annual values to 3 metric tons, the Office of Environment, Health and Safety and University of California Berkeley rates AgI as a Class C, non-soluble, inorganic, hazardous chemical that pollutes water and soil.
After eight months of “SRM” cloud-seeding in the UK, starting in September 2023, we discover there’s actually a whole website about it:
And a whole “policy paper” !…
Who would have thought? To get an explanation for eight months of artificially overcast skies, we only needed to know the right words to look up.
…And to find out that we are actually paying for this “research programme” through the NERC strategic research and innovation budget.
But it seems the UK government’s past eight months and future five years of cloud-seeding research, at a cost of £10.5 million, is just lab research and doesn’t actually involve any “outdoor deployments”. So these images are just our imagination.
All totally imaginary. Normal aircraft vapour trails. Sure, those are definitely normal jet flight paths.
More proof it’s a lie
A major UK cloud-seeding market analysis report doesn’t seem to agree that cloud-seeding isn’t going on in the UK.
Has anyone noticed “water scarcity challenges” in the UK to warrant eight months of cloud-seeding? And that old chestnut “Covid-19” seems to be guilty too by “underscoring the importance of water security”.
It’s all SO important because of “CLIMATE CHANGE”
There’s just one little problem. More than 1,600 scientists agree:
But the media and the censors desperately want us to believe that there is
I spent most of May with my heating on. How about you?
You know what to do. There is a UK election coming up. Send this to your MP and demand an explanation and a statement of policy.
Treason News
True Blue Initiative: Photo evidence