
I have been trying to explain this to disbelieving individuals, who call me crazy. I hope your succinct article will wake people up from their stupor,, give hope to debt-enslaved souls who have not had the time to listen.

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Wouldn't wiping out debts hurt the economy? What am I missing?

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Who are you paying when you pay back on a loan, or credit card purchase?

The banking system. The banking families. Banks lend out "money" they don't actually have in their vaults. They charge interest on a concept of value, as paper Dollars are not backed by anything. Gold and silver were the backing prior to the 1970s, and were intended as legal tender by our Constitution. Your bank deposits are presumably real but banks lend out multiple "instruments" of debt, using your conceptual money, multiple times on the value of your deposit. So if they lend out your money to ten or more people or entities, and charge compounding interest, they make lots more than the simple single loan would earn if you were the only borrower. In turn, the big financial institutions often buy the loans a smaller community bank or financing company has made, and when periodically the system collapses, as is occurring now,we citizens are told we have to bail out those big banks, as in the 2008 financial collapse.

Over years we have been ripped off. The goal of the new QFS is to allow people to become sovereign and to not require middlemen to handle our money.

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If you bueve there is a group of white hats working to save humanity may I suggest you continue to research. There is no white hat group. There is only WE THE PEOPLE and I don't hold a lot of hope for the people either.

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Thanks Linda for all you are doing to enlighten people to the truth on money and health.

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