If you’ve joined the ranks of the awakened you will know that a criminal dark cult has been controlling the world’s money supply through the central banking system for more than 100 years.
This cult has enough money to buy puppets at the highest levels to help it achieve its goals—population control through wars and stealth bio-weapons, and predatory financial policies that ensure our money buys less and less as each year goes by. Its ultimate aim is a “global one-world government” achieved by enforcing insane national policies to crash economies, and then offering to restore sanity by ruling the world itself. The cult is fronted by a billionaire’s club known as the World Economic Forum which in turn is the puppet controller of the World Health Organization and United Nations.
You can find out more about globalism by visiting the website www.anti-globalists.org. The site also introduces you to some of the most prominent individuals who are fighting globalism.
The anti-globalists often say “Military is the only way”, and indeed it is, due to widespread corruption everywhere else. The anti-globalist military has been gaining control of the world’s most advanced technology, including quantum computers and satellites. Using covert ops, AI and deep-level hacking, it has been shutting down the globalists’ crime syndicates, arresting globalist-appointed CEOs, and replacing them with humanitarian or “white hat” individuals. Of special importance is replacing the globalists’ world banking cabal with a new financial system that will be owned by the people, not by a few billionaire elites.
All these actions are shutting off the globalists’ money supply and their ability to pay bribes and wages to their accomplices in the media, trade unions, entertainment industry, justice system, law enforcement, medical field, education system, science, technology and commerce.
Demystifying the new financial system
The anti-globalist (sometimes known as “truther”) movement, believes the new financial system is more secret and more complex, than it really is.
Thanks to the online community that I belong to, which regularly trawls the financial press to seek information, many of us now have a much better understanding of this system. Some of the confusion has been about the name it goes by, “Quantum Financial System” or QFS. Here are some key points for demystification.
At some date in the near future, there will be a black swan event. The globalist-controlled money markets will crash to zero, at which point the world will switch to a new quantum, gold-backed system controlled by the white hats. At the same time there will be a Global Currency Reset, also known as The RV (revaluation). All currencies the world over will have the same value. One Zimbabwe dollar will have the same purchasing power as one US dollar, and so on.
There will be no sudden crash and no sudden switch-over. The new financial system is based on:
(a) New banking rules, which are already in progress, as described in my article Introducing Stellar, and
(b) Tokenization and smart contracts. I will explain more about these.
New banking rules
The world’s many banks have a couple of years left to get compliant with these rules. The fact that the globalists have not been able to prevent their enforcement, attests to just how far the anti-globalists have penetrated every corner of the financial world. The rules are all about banning imaginary money that only exists on a computer, and replacing it with money that is backed by gold, silver or other valuable commodities. Money also has to be able to cross international borders without the exorbitant fees that we have been used to paying in the SWIFT system. ISO20022 and BASEL 3 are particularly important rules.
Some smaller banks will be unable to raise the capital to achieve compliance. That’s why we are seeing so many stories in the media of banks being bought up or merging. It’s nothing to do with a “black swan event”. That is not going to happen. Bank branches are likely closing because every possible penny has to be saved so that the bank can buy gold instead.
This is a very exciting part of the new financial system. It simply means that every asset of value will be represented by a digital token. Like going into a casino and exchanging your cash for disks that represent money. The tokens will represent assets. Tokenization allows all the trading that takes place between all the assets of the world, to be recorded on a giant ledger. This ledger is known as a blockchain, and it is held on an unhackable worldwide network of quantum computers. This network is decentralized (owned by no-one, accessible to all). So no-one except you will control your money.
That’s it. That’s the Quantum Financial System in a nutshell. Not so hard to understand.
How far has tokenization progressed?
And how can we find out for ourselves what progress is being made?
A lot of company shares are now in tokenized form. You can become an early investor by following the guidelines in my Introducing Stellar article. These tokens are not worth anything much right now, because the tokenization is still undergoing beta-testing for some years to come. The bridging of old systems to new is highly complex, and will take about 15 years to complete, so you can forget any “intel” being spread around that the Financial Reset is about to take place in weeks or months. You will not get the truth from anywhere except the proverbial horse’s mouth, ie. Stellar Russia, the military team in charge of the quantum computers. They release information from time to time to the QSI community, which is helping with the beta-testing. You can find the releases here rumble.com/c/QuantumStellarInitiative and on the community’s Telegram channel.
As you can imagine, the globalists have a giant crime network which is trying to infiltrate and sabotage the new quantum financial system. Stellar Russia are implementing artificial intelligence algorhythms designed to catch them. Once all caught and arrested, progress towards our new financial world will be faster.
What about the currency revaluation?
It is also a fallacy that there will be a sudden reset of all the world’s currencies, and they will all have the same buying power. There are many reasons why this would be impractical, and it is not the aim. The aim is to level the playing field by expanding BRICS, the trading bloc alternative to the G7. The media are calling BRICS a “de-dollarization” plan, but the real agenda is to bolster the economies of these countries, which will in turn strengthen their currencies.
Forthcoming new BRICS members:
Some people are expecting to exchange their million Vietnamese Dong notes for a million US dollars. Please discard that notion. Stellar Russia have advised that if you have spent 100 USD on currencies like the Vietnamese Dong or Iraqi Dinar, you can expect to get back about 500 USD in exchange, no more.
Smart contracts
In the truth community there has been talk of prices going back to the 1950s after the financial reset. This will almost certainly be due to tokenization, which will allow the use of Smart Contracts. Basically, smart contracts cut out middle-men such as lawyers and real estate agents. Once the financial reset takes place, you will be able to set the conditions for selling your house through a nice, simple portal on the blockchain. Once your buyer has met the conditions, the transfer of ownership will take place automatically and the new ownership will be recorded on the blockchain. Here is a video with more information about smart contracts. https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/38759
How long must we wait for our world to improve?
I know this isn’t what we want to hear, but we are not going to see any improvements while the current globalist puppets are still in power. Despite the psychic predictions of a worldwide military coup to get rid of the globalists, that is not going to happen with soldiers on the streets. Please put that thought out of your mind. If you keep following whoever implanted that thought, you will not be making the right plans for your future. I was contacted by a very distraught reader who had been told that silver was going to equal the price of gold by the end of 2023. He banked everything on that, stopped paying his mortgage and put all the money into silver instead. Now he is making big mortgage interest payments that his family can’t afford, and his silver is worth less than what he paid for it.
Hopefully this year’s elections will see the globalists being ousted for good. It also makes sense that once Donald Trump takes the presidential reins again, we will start to see some small improvements, especially price reductions and lower taxes, though it will take time for income tax to go away completely. We will also see increasing disclosures of the Covid-19 and climate change fraud. New technologies such as water-powered cars will reduce our day-to-day expenses. The much-feared CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is also on its way, but will be under white hat, not globalist control. The QFS team tell us to welcome it when it arrives.
Lots of good things are coming, so please don’t be despondent. A new humanitarian world is in store. That doesn’t mean you can just sit back and wait for it. All efforts to awaken others to the lies and deceit we are being subjected to by the globalists and their puppets, and all efforts to fight them with non-compliance, are being noted by white hat artificial intelligence, and will be richly rewarded.
Are “The Event” and “The EBS” also just fallacies?
I have been trying to explain this to disbelieving individuals, who call me crazy. I hope your succinct article will wake people up from their stupor,, give hope to debt-enslaved souls who have not had the time to listen.
Thanks Linda for all you are doing to enlighten people to the truth on money and health.