Very interesting article again, as are all the articles on this website. Thank your the information.

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023Liked by Linda Lazarides

I had glandular fever at the end of 1976, when I was only 24 years old. I collapsed and wound up in hospital for a few hours. I was referred to my own doctor. He visited me at home and the first thing he asked me was whether or not I had suffered any shocks recently. As it happened, I had gone through a long series of dramatic shocks in my personal life. He said glandular fever was always caused by shock and he made no mention of viruses at all.

I was ill and bed-ridden for months. Many of my friends visited, looked after me and my child, kept me sane while the fever felt like an endless hallucinogenic episode. It was the weirdest health threat I have ever experienced. Not one single friend contracted glandular fever, even though they were spending a lot of time in my company, some of them were helping me with hygiene too!

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Thank you for telling your story. That is very interesting.

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According to my view, almost all diseases are caused by programming in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a (mostly very negative) programme that is located around a person and that controls our personality, life, health and ability. This programme consist of an invisible, subtle matter. The view that I express here is the result of me being able to perceive this programme around a person. A person needs to have psychic abilities to be able to perceive this programme. I can perceive it and other people can learn to perceive it too. There is more explanation about this view in my book that you can read on my website: https://soulliberation.eu/.

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I have no desire to liberate myself from reincarnation! You act as though reincarnation is a bad thing and not the natural condition of spiritual energy on a journey of discovery!


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