“Glandular fever” is described as an infectious disease that results in fever, swelling of the lymph nodes and enlargement of the liver or spleen. The term “infectious mononucleosis” was first coined in the 1920’s to further describe glandular fever, after discovering a group of students with a similar illness. It wasn’t until 1968 that the symptoms were attributed to Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), after antibodies to EBV were supposedly found in sick individuals.
You would imagine that the proper way to confirm the connection scientifically would be to expose healthy people to the bodily fluids of individuals suffering from glandular fever, and observe whether they developed the same symptoms.
Yes indeed. More than 70 scientific experiments, involving hundreds of people, have taken blood, mucus, lymphatic fluid and nasopharyngeal washings from people acutely ill with glandular fever. These bodily fluids were then applied to healthy people via means of swabbing their throats with the infected bodily fluids, spraying the fluids into their mouths and noses, and even injecting these fluids subcutaneously and intramuscularly.
Not a single person developed the disease. Below you can view the references to these studies. Glandular fever is also known as the “kissing disease” but clearly it cannot be passed on by kissing.
Graser F. Hundert Jahre Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber. Klinische Pädiatrie. 1991;203(03):187-190. doi:10.1055/s-2007-1025428
Mohseni M, Boniface MP, Graham C, Doerr C. Mononucleosis (Nursing).; 2022.
Henle G, Henle W, Diehl V. Relation of Burkitt’s tumor-associated herpes-ytpe virus to infectious mononucleosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 1968;59(1):94-101. doi:10.1073/pnas.59.1.94
Niederman JC. Infectious Mononucleosis. JAMA. 1968;203(3):205. doi:10.1001/jama.1968.03140030037009
Evans AS. Experimental attempts to transmit infectious mononucleosis to man. Yale J Biol Med. 1947;20(1):19-26.
Evans AS. Fruther Experimental Attempts to Transmit Infectious Mononucleosis to Man. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1950;29(5):508-512. doi:10.1172/JCI102287
Niederman JC, Scott RB. Studies on infectious mononucleosis: attempts to transmit the disease to human volunteers. Yale J Biol Med. 1965;38(1):1-10.
Kuri A, Jacobs BM, Vickaryous N, et al. Epidemiology of Epstein-Barr virus infection and infectious mononucleosis in the United Kingdom. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):912. doi:10.1186/s12889-020-09049-x
These references are taken from an article which you can find at www.humanley.com/blog/epstein-barr-virus
We can only guess at what really causes the symptoms of glandular fever, and the debilitating chronic fatigue syndrome that often follows it. Some candidates could include a fungal infection such as Candida albicans, or perhaps some kind of chemical sensitivity. By blaming an imaginary virus, the right research is not being done.
Why are doctors being fed junk science?
It only takes a few medical influencers to get almost everyone in the medical field to accept something as fact, whether it is true or not. If you don’t believe me, take another look at my article on Smallpox, which you will find if you click my Archives link.
Belief in viruses makes people keen to take vaccines and give them to their children. Vaccines = profit.
Viruses are also necessary for people to believe in pandemics, to accept lockdowns, social distancing, mask-wearing and other control paraphernalia. Once they get into the habit of giving up their freedoms in small ways, then Agenda 2030, which I have written about several times, can begin to tighten its net with references to new and deadly diseases and variants, as well as increasingly playing the climate card.
If we are to avoid total globalist control and a Chinese communist-style world by 2030, the very first step is to educate ourselves and pass on the truth. Only then can we, in large enough numbers, resist the attempts to control us, which are fraudulently sold to us as being for our own good. We only have to stop being complacent, stop being afraid, and simply say “No”.
Drs Sam and Mark Bailey
These are New Zealand physicians who use naturopathic methods and are highly vocal advocates of terrain theory. Mark is also a former clinical trials research physician.
In this video Dr Mark Bailey and Andrew Kaufman answer statements made about viruses by Drs Peter McCullough and Robert Malone:
You can find Dr Sam Bailey’s educational videos at this link
Virus theory advocates can argue about the validity of their lab work all they like, but the bottom line is, if you can’t make someone ill by swabbing and spraying them with fluids from a sick person, then even if the symptoms are caused by a virus, it’s not pathogenic, and the people with the symptoms are not contagious!
Don’t forget “AIDS”
“AIDS” is another virus that does not exist. Here is the documentary.
My next article will be in my “Truth Warrior” series. It will show a video interview with author David Icke, who will tell us about “15-minute cities”. These are being trialled to see how we will respond to being told that we will be fined if we travel more than 15 minutes away from our home more than 100 times a year. The authorities will use cameras and numberplate recognition to enforce the policy.
The city of Oxford in the UK is one of the first of these cities, with plans already in place to introduce this policy in 2024.
When it comes down to basic democratic rights, we the people are the front line. Stop believing everything the authorities tell us!
Very interesting article again, as are all the articles on this website. Thank your the information.
I had glandular fever at the end of 1976, when I was only 24 years old. I collapsed and wound up in hospital for a few hours. I was referred to my own doctor. He visited me at home and the first thing he asked me was whether or not I had suffered any shocks recently. As it happened, I had gone through a long series of dramatic shocks in my personal life. He said glandular fever was always caused by shock and he made no mention of viruses at all.
I was ill and bed-ridden for months. Many of my friends visited, looked after me and my child, kept me sane while the fever felt like an endless hallucinogenic episode. It was the weirdest health threat I have ever experienced. Not one single friend contracted glandular fever, even though they were spending a lot of time in my company, some of them were helping me with hygiene too!