No, my name is not Phil, or Juan, Charlie, Derek, Gene or X22. If you’ve been following “Truthers”, you will know who these are. If not, don’t worry, you haven’t missed too much. They tell us they have “intel” about the whitehat war against the globalist cabal. This intel is supposed to come from military sources. It has millions of followers who believe it as the gospel truth. Even though it’s always wrong.
Yup, Phil has been making predictions like these for years: “The Supreme Court has (secretly of course!) overturned the 2020 election; Trump will come back before 2024; Trump is going to make an announcement about the war against the cabal during the 2023 Super Bowl; The military are about to launch an emergency broadcast and swarm the streets to put Trump back in power; The banks are all going to crash this weekend (several times now!); The price of silver is going through the roof NOWNOWNOW; The internet is about to go down NOWNOWNOW; All social media sites are going to disappear; There’s about to be a YUGE false flag; Putin is hours away from declaring war on Israel; This is your last last last warning! Buckle up, buckle up…!” How on earth does he keep a straight face? No Phil, the information was not “accurate at the time”. Despite the carefully crafted hints that you know many, many secrets that you’re not allowed to tell, you’ve been rumbled 😃
(I do like the flat earth info though…)
In Autumn 2022 Charlie Ward produced a video telling us that United Nations soldiers were about to kick everyone’s doors down. That was around the time he also said China was two weeks away from invading Taiwan.
STOP IT! I don’t listen to any of these people any more. I’ve given up trying to work out what they are up to. Maybe they think it’s funny.
I am a member of the Connecting Consciousness (CC) organization headed by British former member of Parliament Simon Parkes. Because it’s a large spiritual organization and Simon a proven humanitarian, he was head-hunted by the Whitehat Alliance, and has an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) relating to his work with them. He hasn’t said much about this, except that he works with victims of MK-Ultra programming. Simon has a direct line to General Flynn and to the British intelligence community, and he produces occasional “intel” videos privately for CC members. Simon’s intel makes a great deal more sense than the other so-called truthers.
I am not allowed to share Simon’s videos, but here is the gist of what he has said in recent ones:
“I refuse to deliberately deceive people, so I am not going to pass on to CC members the so-called “intel” that others have been told to share.
“There is not going to be a sudden military coup to bring back President Trump. The Whitehats believe that would start a civil war in the US, since so many people have guns. They prefer to do their work behind the scenes and make changes quietly that will eliminate corruption and enable fair elections.
“There is not going to be a “black swan” 2008-style bank crash. That would serve no purpose. Some smaller banks will fail the requirements for the new financial system and will simply be absorbed into bigger banks.”
if you would like to follow Simon, you can apply to join CC through Simon’s website. Membership is free.
I am also a member of Quantum Stellar Initiative (QSI), which I have mentioned here. You can follow them too if you want to understand who “Q” really is. Clue: Q stands for Quantum.
QSI has close links with Stellar Russia, the quantum high-tech arm of the Russian military. Ben from Stellar Russia gives podcast interviews from time to time, and has made the Whitehat Alliance timetable quite clear. The current financial system will continue until the RV (Financial Revaluation or Reset) in early 20251. This seems to me pretty coincidental, as this is also the time when the new US president will be inaugurated after a November 2024 election. As we know, there are no coincidences. So no, Phil, President Trump is not “coming back early”. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will not be ready until early 2025, and everything has to wait for that.
Question: But isn’t the QFS already running alongside the current system?
Answer: No, it isn’t!
What about the “fake WW3”?
This video should answer your questions. Yes, it’s going to happen in 2024, Stellar Russia has mentioned it in passing a couple of times.
When in 2024? Clif High and his fellow remote viewers have had visions of something scary happening at the coldest time of this winter. Late January? Their guess is as good as any. Be prepared. If we’re going to get the “EBS” (emergency broadcast) that the truthers keep talking about, it will be local air raid warnings or something similarly war-related.
The war will play out in the media and will appear very real thanks to Project Blue Beam holograms, green screen CGI, and footage from old war newsreels and Hollywood productions. There will also be blackouts and internet outages blamed on Russian and Chinese “hacking”. You will need cash for shopping, since internet-based till systems and cash machines won’t work when the internet goes down. I believe the media will warn us when we need to stock up on food, but remember that these warnings tend to cause panic-buying, so be prepared in advance.
Will there be another pandemic in 2024?
We know the world is going to change for the better when Biden is gone and the RV arrives in 2025. So 2024 is the cabal’s last chance to fulfil Bill Gates’ prophesy of another “pandemic”. I believe the Whitehats are taking bets on Ebola or Marburg2, which, as we know, are not infections but advanced scurvy due to extreme poverty. Let’s see how many will fall for it and put their masks back on. Maybe the world will be more scared of Putin and Xi than of catching rebranded flu.
Ebola deceit
We also know the cabal are still fiercely trying to convince us that climate change exists. Their minions continue to send out weather modification chemtrail planes. In the UK we have had little more than two days in a row without storms since September 2023. The smallest glimpse of the sun, and the planes come out making their unmistakeable patterns in the sky, which soon develop into clouds, wind and rain. (Search my Substack to find a list of weather modification patents freely available for all to read.)
Why do they want us to believe in climate change? So that we’ll do anything the globalists tell us is necessary to stop it. They are already confiscating farmland in the Netherlands because “farting cows cause global warming”. You literally can’t make this stuff up! In the UK I am betting they plan to introduce more schemes to fine motorists for driving conventional vehicles. Don’t fall for it! Don’t pay the fines!
Will the price of silver rise?
We’ve been hearing for well over a year that the price of silver is being kept artificially low by the globalists, that it is a much rarer metal than gold, and is therefore going to overtake gold “Any day now!” We are shown videos from experts who seem to truly believe this.
Sorry guys, it’s probably true, but I don’t see it happening until Biden is gone and the RV has happened. There will be a metals RV shortly after the currency RV. If you’ve been following QSI like I suggested last September, you will have heard the podcast interview from Ben, the head of the QFS team at Stellar Russia. He suggests that smaller currencies will gradually start rising long before the RV. It does seem likely that silver will also start to rise slowly and gradually in 2024.
Will BRICS destroy the dollar?
How are those Russia sanctions working for you Mr Biden? BRICS=Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. Saudi Arabia and Iran will join BRICS on January 1st 2024. Other countries are also queuing up to join. Click to view the video and then decide how long you think the dollar will survive!
Who are the Whitehats?
We have known for some time that the Whitehats are a world military alliance with expertise in many areas:
They rescue trafficked children and adults, capture the criminals involved in child, slave, organ and drug trafficking, and subject them to military tribunals for crimes against humanity.
They blow up the globalist cabal’s biological weapons, drug and adrenochrome stocks and production facilities, also the deep underground tunnels (known as DUMBS) where the trafficked children were kept imprisoned and where hideous Mengele-type experiments had been taking place since Nazi times.
Ukraine was one of the main trafficking centres, Taiwan another, and Israel a third. The world is riddled with thousands of miles of these tunnels. Some lead to underground cities. These criminal activities have been going on for generations.
Using all the power of President Trump’s Executive Order 13818—the confiscation of assets derived from crime—the Whitehats have been defunding the globalist cabal. These psychopaths who formerly had unlimited wealth to do exactly as they pleased, are being stripped of this wealth, and it is being returned to the people.
Using artificial intelligence and the Stellar blockchain, the Whitehats are also learning who the criminals are in the cryptocurrency world. During 2024, holders of all cryptos will be encouraged by articles in the media to bridge them to the Stellar network. The longer they leave it, the more expensive the conversion will become. The Stellar blockchain is the only one that is unhackable. With the help of its beta-testers, it is developing very advanced algorythms which can spot criminal behaviour and identify criminals in preparation for their arrest. Within about two years, any Bitcoin that has not yet been bridged to the Stellar network will be irretrievably lost. After 2025 the Bitcoin blockchain itself will be destroyed by PBFT (look it up!)
In addition to the military, there is also a Whitehat civilian faction from all walks of life. The military look for people of influence, ability and integrity on sites such as LinkedIn, and observe them for years. They then force globalist-associated politicians, CEO’s and officials to resign, and replace them with the people they have chosen. A spokesperson from the Wagner Whitehat group explained in a podcast interview with QSI that by working in this way, they have placed approximately 10,000 individuals worldwide in influential positions, and they consider them as part of the Whitehats.
As Q said: “A clean house is necessary”. So I believe that by the time of the British parliamentary elections and the US presidential election in autumn 2024, there may be some shenanigans, but we will be able to vote safely and will no longer have to worry about globalist puppets running our countries.
What about disclosure?
When will the public find out that the C19 vaccine was a deliberate bio-weapon? And that some of their most popular politicians have been arrested for crimes against children? That the Hollywood A-listers they looked up to, admired and emulated, were swilling down a “youth drug” called adrenochrome which they knew very well was extracted from the blood of tortured children?
Well, it’s not a secret! Those of us who know—for example The People’s Voice—have been spreading it to anyone who will listen!
But a little clue that in 2024 we’ll start seeing much more of this in the mass media, is that the end of 2023 sees the conclusion of many NDA’s—Non-Disclosure Agreements. A whole tranche of military secrets is about to be declassified. It’s no coincidence that the names of 170 Epstein associates are going to be revealed on the very first day of 2024. Many elites flew to Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean, where children were provided for their sexual gratification, and their activities were secretly recorded.
The Storm is about to begin.
The globalists are a cabal of super-wealthy bankers and their associates, sometimes known as the Committee of 300, whose aim is to control and then remove democratic governments and replace them with global corporations. This forms part of Agenda 2030—Chinese-style communism for the whole world. “Climate change” and “pandemics” will be used via the media and NGO’s like the WHO and WEF, to control what we can buy, what we are allowed to eat, where we go, and even what we say. This cabal is a giant criminal network with a particular interest in child sex trafficking due to its pedo-satanic religious roots. Eugenics (covert birth control, stealth democide, starting wars) is deemed necessary by the globalists to facilitate greater control. They aimed to get the world population to under 500 million (a 95 percent reduction) by 2030, as stated on the recently-destroyed Georgia Guidestones.
December 2024 Update: Sorry, no RV on the cards until at least 2026.
Updates January 20th
It seems that they opted for “Disease X”. Hmm… Twitter is now renamed “X”. Perhaps Disease X was formerly known as Twitter Disease? 😀
I agree, but disagree. Simon has ALWAYS said crazy things. He’s just not a huckster like Charlie Ward. But in 2020, Simon said Trump would be inaugurated in Mar 2021, that Martial Law would happen to usher it in, that everyone in the Swamp is dead & actors are in their place, (why? If the swamp were all killed, why not usher in the new era of freedom?? Why an elaborate ruse to play act?), and that decades dead JFK, Jr was alive & going to be Trumps VP. When alive, JFK, Jr was akin to AOC in his Leftist political views, so why does Simon slobber over such lies? Simon also said JFK was assassinated because he was going to put the dollar back on the Gold Standard. Well, that’s another lie!! The dollar was still on the Gold Standard when JFK was Prez. The dollar only came off the Gold Standard in the 1970’s under Nixon’s partial 2nd term! I belong to CC too, as I like Simon’s demeanor, but it’s one lie and stream of garbage after another, & now he doesn’t even give us “Intel”, except to now say the OPPOSITE of what he used to say! From Nov 2020 until about Nov 2022, it was an “any minute” sort of promise. Now he says nothing or the opposite of what he used to lie about. I’m both amused & irritated. Charlie Ward is the WORST of the fringe pack, and that weird guy who makes things up with Numbers. They all just want to be relevant or falsely important. Simon is the least offensive & I like his calmness but he mostly lies or speaks gibberish. THANKS FOR YOUR FORUM HERE…