I'm going to start this article with my own awakening story. I'm talking about awakening to the reasons why so many things in the world right now don't make sense. Awakening comes in stages, but starts with a slow realization that the corporate (mainstream) media is mostly a big lie. If you believe that's an exaggeration, take a look at this:
Why is it all the same? Don't the newspapers and TV channels go out to get news to report to us? Actually, no. News largely comes from agencies like Reuters and Associated Press. That also includes news from so-called independent media outlets such as the BBC. Some reporters may also be privy to leaks or gossip from "sources" within government.
So it would be reasonable to assume that who owns the press agencies also controls what the media broadcasts or publishes? That makes the owners of these agencies very important to know about. Have you ever thought about who they are?
We assume that because the media expose political sleaze, and direct fierce criticism against corruption, pollution, crime and bad corporate behaviour, they must be independent. They appear to be on our side, fighting for justice. But with powerful owners like the Rothschilds literally controlling what goes into your head, shouldn't we be asking what kind of people they are, and what other business interests they have?
This video goes into a little more detail
Ok, we accept that much which goes against the interests of these giants will be hidden from us, but there is one sacrosanct piece of media that we all accept with utter, blind trust, the BBC News. The BBC is funded by us, the taxpayer, not by commercials, so it cannot be biased or attempt to deceive us, right?
Let's take a look at what Australian independent documentary-maker John Pilger has to say about the BBC:
I suspect that deep down we all know he is right, The News is a government propaganda machine. Our only dispute is whether that's really important. After all, we can vote out a government if it leads us into a war based on false pretences, can't we? Well, apparently not. Blair and Bush were subsequently re-elected. Their parties didn't vote them out either. That really shocked me.
Let's stay with that question of whether we should worry about the media being an establishment mouthpiece.
I'm going to take you back to 2016 and the Brexit referendum. After many years of not watching The News, at a time when the reporting on the various wars was becoming more and more disturbing and incomprehensible, I regained an interest in The News because I wanted to find out if the UK was going to leave the European Union. Bored with the endless repetition of the usual channels, I came across an intriguing channel called "RT". Standing for "Russia Today" I had always assumed it was about life in Russia, but in fact it's the Russian world news service in English, similar to any other nation's world service. Their motto is "Question more".
I watched some of their news, and the difference in the Syria coverage was a revelation to me. Award-winning western journalists who were actually on the ground in Syria, reporting on what was really happening there, were complaining that the western media was censoring them. No wonder. They had a great deal of criticism for the constant, relentless US bombing in the Middle East. I had a great deal of sympathy with their views.
Everyone in the west was just accepting this bombing, like it was something inevitable and necessary. I began to feel very uncomfortable that people seemed to have become immune to caring. It was like a mass hypnosis. As John Pilger says in the video above, "Media cliches normalise the unthinkable". If this is deliberate, we would call it brainwashing.
Media cliches normalise the unthinkable.
If this is deliberate, we would call it brainwashing.
At the time, Donald Trump was campaigning for the US presidency, and talking about making friends with Russia. I thought that was a great idea. But then by some extraordinary coincidence, a hand was shown coming through a wall, swapping Russian olympic athletes' drugs test samples. There followed a chemical attack on Syria, which the western media told us was carried out by Russia. Was it? Putin explained that there was absolutely no reason for him to do such a thing.
The media developed an obsession with Russia as being responsible for everything evil on the planet. Hillary Clinton accused Russia of "interfering" with the US 2016 election by hacking. Images of "Russian hacking" appeared on our TV screens. RT pointed out they were screenshots from video games. They showed the games. Obama expelled Russian diplomats and their families, giving them 48 hours to leave the country.
When the subject of Russia came up in the UK, people agreed that Putin was evil because he had annexed the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine a couple of years previously. No-one seemed to know that in March 2014, Crimeans held a referendum during which 96 percent of voters chose to join Russia. Part of the reason was that many ethnic Russians in Ukraine had been murdered by violent far-right extremists. Try reading this report and then make up your own mind.
My instinct was that I did not like, and did not see any need for, the relentless anti-Russian propaganda in the US. I saw more and more things that made me uncomfortable about the Obama/Clinton regime, especially Hillary Clinton giggling and gloating when informed of Gaddaffi's death. I didn't like the persecution of Julian Assange for exposing US war crimes in Iraq.
Russia's retaliation was to point out on RT how little the US was focusing on its own citizens.
Homeless in Tinseltown
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5214593/Christmas-Day-2017-Downtown-Los-Angeles.htmlUN report on poverty in the United States
www.nytimes.com/2018/01/24/opinion/poverty-united-states.htmlHealth insurance has never been so expensive since Obama decided to make it “affordable.”
thefederalist.com/2018/04/09/federal-report-obamacare-charges-luxury-premiums-economy-health-plans/American farmers committing suicide
Fast forward to 2022
So in 2022, when Putin once again marched into Ukraine, and the western media accused him of territorial expansionism, I was prepared to listen to the Russian explanation.
Vladimir Putin, Feb 24th 2022
”Our goal is to provide aid to the people of Donbass, who feel an unbreakable bond with Russia and have been the subjects of genocide for eight years. This is a matter of life and death. We have to stop the atrocities. We will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who have perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians.”
“Denazify”? What? I’ll come back to this later.
Under international law, Putin did in fact have a right to march into Ukraine. In 2014, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that when the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, Ukraine did not register its borders as a sovereign state. Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries). The lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia. So the Ukraine invasion is more accurately described as a policing action taking place within the borders of Russia.
Nazis in Ukraine
Pilger tells us a little about these Nazis. They belong to the Azov battalion, which harbours violent hatred for the ethnic Russians who populate a large part of eastern Ukraine. Read about their history.
Here is a video clip showing these people in action. Warning, this is sensitive content, showing extreme violence and murder.
The West portrays the Azovs as valiant soldiers battling an invasion of their country. Putin sees them as militarized criminals. He is attacking their strongholds, rounding them up and executing those convicted of war crimes. They’re heavily involved in human and child sex trafficking too, but that’s another story. Thanks to the media, we in the West are happy to send money and arms to these people. Using images and videos portraying Russia as perpetrating genocide, Ukrainian president Zelensky ensures that millions of us are “standing with Ukraine”.
In reality, the Ukrainians are terrified of the Azov nazis. Civilians are being snatched off the street, from their homes, theatres and restaurants, forced into the front line, and their vehicles co-opted for the army. Many are fleeing to Russia to escape this. The nazis think nothing of using civilians as human shields, and shelling apartment buildings themselves so that they can say the Russians did it.
War in any form is tragic, and my heart is with these poor souls. But the reports are that Russia is looking after them well, and they seem to believe Russia has their best interests at heart. Russia is a modern democracy, and whatever Putin’s reputation of the past, it can only be a good thing to rid the world of violent criminals1.
More links
RT.com is not available in the UK right now, but you can access it if you use a VPN with your region set to USA.
I spent a week working in Ukraine in 1998. There was a massive contrast between the obvious wealth of the banking and commercial properties (none of which appeared to have any public entrances), and the poverty of the people and their day to day infrastructures. While Putin was rebuilding Russia after communism, and people were getting better lives, the streets of Ukraine and even the tramways were full of giant holes, looking like no maintenance had been carried out for decades. People were living in slums that had not been upgraded since the 1930s. The ladies toilets in Kiev main railway station still had floor tiles from the time of the tsars, originally magnificent, but now cracked, broken, and definitely looking their age, like the whole building. The only sign of the modern age was a single PC computer in the booking office, looking completely out of place. Near-empty theatres charged a few pence to see a show, otherwise they would have no audience at all. The performers worked for virtually nothing.
Still the poorest country in Europe, Ukraine is the headquarters of most of the biggest pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, and is also the playground of the world's elites. The Bidens have a holiday home there. Apparently a great deal of "business" goes on in secret underground structures, connected by tunnels hundreds of miles long, out of view of any spy satellites.
Websites about human and child sex trafficking in Ukraine, and the bio-weapons labs, are censored by the search engines. However you can search the Telegram social media channels, and video sites such as Rumble.com and Bitchute.com. Much of it is junk, so use your discretion.
Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to write this article. This is the message I’ve been telling anyone who would listen Sadly, few do. Linda, you are a beacon of truth and a shining light in this dark and confusing world. You are very much appreciated