This is not the first time I have heard of Project Blue Beam and the intended use to make the population fear UFO's or UAP's so that the population will be afraid and not interact with them anymore than they already are. Because of the incredible amount of murderous, thieving, and debaucheries committed by the governments of today, I have no problem believing they will do any and everything to keep the population ignorant of all knowledge that they can. Because humans are here because of alien intervention and were left with instructions and knowledge that has been hidden from us ever since it was discovered by evil greedy people to be true, these immoral people can't let the population discover just what has been stolen from them they will have to run for their lives when the truth is exposed. Many of these people will be charged with crimes against humanity and be executed where the law still exists.

Many of the people were also aware of the 9/11 cover up, but never have seen the pictures in the video as close as you have shown them here. Now we know the reason why the government at the time killed all those people and the reason as usual has to do with theft of an insane amount of money. 2.2 billion is, to these evil people enough to kill innocent people, and create whatever story to over it up. Because they have gotten away with murder so many times and became wealthy in the prosses there will be no stopping them if they are allowed to continue. The government must be flushed of all corrupt and laws made so that in the future not one of them will dare to even think about stealing, murdering or committing immoral acts ever again. I can't wait until they are arrested. Hang them high. Amen.

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Interesting website.

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