Magnetic Arms
Let’s start using the right antidote to the vax before more people die
In previous articles I have covered the work of:
Dr Poornima Wagh and her team of 18 scientists who analyzed 2,000 vials of Covid-19 vaccine samples. They found no mRNA and no spike protein. Only graphene oxide, heavy metals and a few other unsavoury items.
The Spanish team La Quinta Columna, who were the first to find graphene oxide in the vaccine vials, plus a small amount of mRNA. (This team have also pointed out that 5G intensifies the electromagnetic effect of GO.)
Dr Carrie Madej, who described how structures with a “spiky appearance” seem to form under the microscope when a vaccine sample is added to blood.
Dr Philippe van Welbergen, who has photographed blood from vaccinated patients, showing that in the vicinity of graphene oxide nanoparticles, these patients’ red blood cells take on a spiky appearance.
Two studies, demonstrating that graphene oxide in blood creates an electromagnetic field which damages red cells, resulting in the creation of a spiky appearance (they are known as “burr cells”)
The comments of virus myth advocates such as Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Sam Bailey, that the particles emerging from human cells, that virologists call “viruses”, are actually essential exosomes, little garbage-removal units produced by our own cells.
The research which concludes that there is no SARS-COV-2 virus
The comment of virologist and former Pfizer chief scientist Dr Mike Yeadon, that there are serious flaws in virology which throw doubt on the existence of ANY so-called respiratory virus.
Yet assumptions continue that “spike protein” causes the vax-related blood clotting. Is that because the manufacturers initiated the spike protein narrative? The danger is that if we continue to believe this narrative, and we are wrong, we will not use the right treatment. More people will die.
Please look at how to combat graphene oxide in the body. There is a very effective treatment to break down GO so that it cannot cause the heart-stopping arrhythmias suffered by hundreds of athletes—and cannot cause blood clots. The Spanish team told us about this treatment more than a year ago on their website and in this video:
The most vital part of the treatment is the nutritional supplement N-acetylcysteine. It is the best way to raise the levels of the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione.
As explained in my last article, if clots have already started to develop, the formation of treatment-resistant white (fibrin) clots can be controlled by prescribing the enzyme tPA. Since then I have seen comments that an over-the-counter medicine serrapeptase can also be used to dissolve fibrin that collects in the blood circulation. Please use the comments section if you have more information.
The mysterious gaslighting of the graphene oxide whistleblowers
One of the best articles I have ever read about the use of graphene oxide for covert depopulation and anti-fertility purposes has recently been removed from the internet, as well as the entire Artloft site and all traces of anything else written by the same author on other sites. Some former links to her articles are now redirected to porn sites. Fortunately you can still access the original article on a mirror site, which perhaps survives because it does not mention her name. Here is a link to download a pdf though unfortunately the images in this version are mostly missing.
Whom to believe?
Bombarded with so much confusing information and different findings and opinions about what is in the vaccines: mRNA, graphene oxide, “spike protein”, Hydra vulgaris, parasites, nano-bots, nano-routers, morgellons—it’s not surprising that we don’t know whom to believe. Not to mention there are a hundred different opinions about the best vax antidotes. The biggest confusion of all is caused by the continued belief that the products were intended to be beneficial, and that the damage they have caused is accidental.
It seems to me that Dr Sevillano from the Spanish team provides the bottom line about why it’s graphene oxide that is the biggest threat to the life of a vaccinated person, and why that is what we need to focus on and treat. GO is a superconductor with an electromagnetic effect. It makes people’s arms magnetic. It makes blood clot. Vaccinated people who are in danger of blood clots due to GO have magnetic arms. Hence the title of this article.
Forget the spike protein. It’s as big a con as the virus itself. People will die if we ignore the Spanish team’s advice.
Vaccinated people who are in danger of blood clots due to GO have magnetic arms.
So what was the purpose of adding mRNA to the Covid-19 vaccines?
Certainly some form of gene alteration must have been intended, but not one that makes us produce imaginary spike proteins. Perhaps one day the documentation clarifying the true plans will be revealed. Meanwhile, there are disturbing effects on the immune system that need further investigation. I have written a brief introduction here to the Swedish research which describes how the vaccines inhibit the DNA damage repair mechanism which is required to maintain adaptive immunity. The outcome is to inhibit the production of functional B and T cells, leading to immunodeficiency. Once again, spike proteins are blamed for this outcome, but since mRNA is specifically designed to enter the cell nucleus, this seems a less tenuous culprit; we should make no assumptions and take nothing for granted.
, , , , , , , , , , , I do hope this article will be of interest.Further reading
My adaptation of the Zelenko protocol, with dosages and other advice.
The theory that the structures with a spiked appearance seen after vaccination are not spike protein but damaged red blood cells known as burr cells because of their spiky appearance.
The possibility that researchers purchasing what they believe to be spike protein products from China may in fact be buying graphene oxide.
Part 2 of this article will look in more detail at the findings of graphene oxide research.
Linda Lazarides
This video makes even more sense than some of the others. Nano razors, I put this one on twitter in the hopes it saves a few more lives. to think these demented people knew before they forced this deadly injection on the world that it would kill gives me shivers. The more information that slips out the closer we get to exposing this genocidal evil and making them pay for their crimes against the human race. I still have faith that they will be held accountable.
German Chemist Dr. Andreas Noack was killed (murdered?) 4 days after releasing a video (link below) claiming that Graphene Oxide in the COVID-19 Death Jabs is turned into Graphene Hydroxide in the body which form one atom thick Razor Blade-like structures many times stronger than steel. These nanobot razors slice blood cells as they circulate throughout the blood system. These Graphene Hydroxide razors cannot be seen in a petri dish or during an Autopsy.
Dr Noack Killed 4 Days After Posting This Vid on How Graphene Hydroxide Nano-razors Destroy Body