There is so much talk about spike protein, any doubt about its existence sounds preposterous. But then just about everything is going topsy-turvy in medicine right now. Let's begin with a look at the official version of the spike protein story.
United States CDC: How mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Work
"To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies..."
"After vaccination, the mRNA will enter the muscle cells. Once inside, they use the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it, leaving the body as waste.
Next, our cells display the spike protein piece on their surface. Our immune system recognizes that the protein does not belong there. This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. This is what your body might do if you got sick with COVID-19.
At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to help protect against future infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. The benefit is that people get this protection from a vaccine, without ever having to risk the potentially serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19. Any side effects from getting the vaccine are normal signs the body is building protection."
Anything wrong with this statement?
Well, before a "spike protein" can exist, surely a virus has to exist? A virus is a nasty little sub-microscopic pathogen that invades our cells and steals our DNA to replicate itself, right? (Who would think so, looking at those cute and fluffy images?) If only there were some proof that this is what a virus is, and does? But, shockingly, there isn’t any proof. To cut a long story short, here is a video describing exactly what a virus is. Hold on to your hat; your cognitive dissonance could blow it off. (PS: You need to watch this video now, or you won’t understand the rest of this article.)
Yes, this goes against everything we take as gospel truth, but bear with me, that video is not a random piece of junk science.
The question that remains is, either viruses and their components are pathogens that cause disease, or else they are not. Let's see what former Pfizer chief scientist and vice president Dr Mike Yeadon says about Covid-19 and other respiratory viruses.
Curiouser and curiouser. Truly we are living in an Alice in Wonderland world.
On the one hand we have a situation where no Covid-19 virus has ever been isolated. We have virologists admitting that virology is based on garbage. And yet we have "spike proteins" being talked about as if they are found everywhere in the body of a vaxxed person. How? if the virus can't be found then how can the spike protein?
Clearly, scientists are seeing something that is causing damage. They are perhaps assuming it is spike protein because the virologists are telling everyone it is spike protein… because they in turn were told that by the manufacturers?
Ex-WHO employee Dr Astrid Stuckelberger may be giving us a clue to the identity of the harmful agent:
Stuckelberger’s hypothesis is that graphene oxide transports the spike proteins in the body. She doesn't know whether it's the spike proteins or the graphene that does the damage which has been attributed to the spike protein. One of the properties of graphene is its razor-like sharpness. Graphene is much more likely than spike protein to cause the massive blood clots that have been found at autopsy in vaccinated individuals.
If spike protein is a myth, which is looking very likely, we only need to look to graphene oxide for an explanation of the vaccine injuries that have been attributed to it. Thousands of tiny cuts in the walls of blood vessels would very likely cause the blood clots that have been linked to the mRNA vaccines. Argentine geneticist Dr. Luis Marcelo Martinez agrees:
"Spike protein is nothing more than graphene inside your body and 'spiking' you. The graphene generates systemic inflammation with cytokine storm, thrombi and lung involvement. What's all that? Well, that is the picture that these bastards have called COVID."
Another nail in the coffin of the spike protein theory is the fact that although the spike proteins are supposed to be produced by mRNA, no mRNA has been found in recently tested samples. Here is Dr Martin Monteverde from Argentina speaking on the subject.
He is not the only one. Virologist and immunologist Dr. Poornima Wagh’s team of 18 scientists have tested and analyzed more than 2,000 vials including all of the major Covid “vaccine” brands and types. They confirm that:
None of the Covid “vaccines” contain any mRNA
None of the Covid “vaccines” contain any spike proteins
All of the Covid “vaccines” are lipid nanoparticles, hydrogel, reduced graphene oxide and an assortment of heavy metals that are likely to cause massive inflammation and kidney damage
No mRNA means no spike protein; mRNA is supposed to be included for the specific purpose of getting your body to make spike protein.
What does the microscope see in the blood?
When asked about spike protein, Dr Carrie Madej had something interesting to say:
Interviewer: Has anyone been able to look at a spike protein under the microscope?
Dr Madej: When you examine the healthy blood of a person not injected with the Covid vaccine, their red blood cells look like little doughnuts. When a drop from a vaccine vial hits that blood, a structure forms, that looks like the spike proteins we see in images of viruses. It only forms when the blood and the vial contents come together.
Let’s keep that image in mind - “structures with spikes that look like spike proteins”, and now take a look at a photo of this blood slide from a vaxxed individual, a patient of biomedicine specialist Dr Philippe van Welbergen from South Africa.

Dr van Welbergen made the slides because he became concerned about unusual symptoms appearing in his Covid-19 vaccinated patients. The structures in the blood sample which look like viruses with spike proteins, are actually damaged red blood cells known as “burr cells” or echinocytes. Here is a close-up of burr cells from Wikipedia.
Burr cells are usually found in association with chronic kidney disease and disseminated malignancy. Upon further investigation I found some studies which revealed that exposing red blood cells to electric current alters their shape and their permeability to water, and is strongly associated with the development of burr cells.
You do not need to be hooked up to the mains to be exposed to an electric current. Dr van Welbergen also found graphene oxide in every blood sample he took from a Covid-19 vaccine-sick person. Not only did all these samples have large numbers of burr cells, but they also showed the presence of an electromagnetic effect. The cells were clumping on one side of the graphene oxide strands, and being repelled on the other side.
Graphene is completely altering our electromagnetic field.
Dr Andreas Kalcker
More about graphene oxide
Due to its razor-sharpness, being only one atom in thickness, graphene oxide is very toxic, and when inhaled is capable of causing a pneumonia-like syndrome. Its nano-particles readily penetrate our skin and the walls of our blood vessels, cutting everything they come into contact with. GO has been found not only in Covid-19 vaccines but also in flu jabs, saline solution, face-masks, sanitizer products, test swabs and rainwater puddles, suggesting that it may be a component of chemtrails. It seems that we have known for nearly 20 years that this 6-sided molecule described on page 666 of Science magazine 2004, is electrically active and dangerous. It’s pretty creative to create a pandemic with the aid of graphene oxide and then use the same product for the “cure”. More information on graphene oxide and Covid-19.
Does spike protein exist? Or are we looking at burr cells created by electromagnetic changes due to the presence of graphene oxide? And damage not caused by non-existent viral particles, but by the sharpness of graphene oxide?
Lab work is needed to answer this question. If you are a scientist or medical professional reading this article, I do urge you to share it widely. This is a question that really needs to be answered.