Vkusno: The med bed for digestion and diabetes

In a world where our love for food often collides head-on with our health, digestive problems have become an all-too-common thorn in the side of many. Whether it's the steely grip of gastritis, the persistent pangs of ulcers, the bludgeoning battle with diabetes and excess weight, or the pesky parasites that plague us, the daily struggles with our digestive systems are real. But fear not, because there's a groundbreaking solution: the “Vkusno” (meaning "tasty" or "delicious" in Russian) Medbed. It's here to tackle these issues head-on, offering a comprehensive approach to digestive health that promises to change and boost our quality of life.

Short list of specific health conditions this bed is designed to cure:

Specialized and Localized Treatment: Ulcers, Gastritis, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Dyspepsia, Gallbladder and Intestinal issues, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease and Colitis, Gastrointestinal Cancers, etc, will be cured. Patients will have a fully functioning digestion, leading to rapid healing, alleviating discomfort and digestive distress, and improving quality of life.


Insulin levels will be regulated, glucose levels monitored in real-time, and optimal blood sugar control ensured, all while it “reprograms” the patient's pancreas to produce enough insulin as well as the patient’s body to effectively use the insulin it produces.


Patients will be “reprogrammed", "trained" and their metabolism "boosted" to maintain a healthy weight and active lifestyle no matter their preferred diet (such as omnivore, carnivore, keto, vegetarian, fruitarian, pescatarian, vegan, etc.) so that post-treatment they can continue their weight management. By pairing wearables that can monitor and manage dietary plans and caloric intake with perfect digestive health and increased energy expenditure, patients will be able to achieve lasting and long-term results as their lifestyle and eating habits begin to change.


All allergies, including Celiac Disease, will be cured to prevent future adverse reactions


Patients will be given immunity to any and all forms of harmful bacteria and parasites (Note: when treatment for the general population begins, humans will be given immunity first, then animals, and lastly crops).

The Vkusno Medbed supports treatment and recovery for patients with all types of gastrointestinal and digestive issues, optimizing the healing process. By offering personalized diagnostics, targeted treatments, and continuous monitoring, it promises to improve a patient's long-term outcome, drastically reducing the burden on the healthcare system. As we step into this new era of quantum healthcare, the innovative medbed shines as a beacon of hope for those suffering from digestive ailments, giving them a brighter and healthier future.

Stellar Russia

Genuine medbed treatments are ALWAYS free. If any money is required to change hands, whether for treatment, “training” or “registration”, it is a scam.

My offer still stands to get med bed treatment in 2024 instead of waiting until 2026.
Linda Lazarides