I would like to open this post up to discussion. Many of my readers are members of what we call the “truth community”. People who have woken up to the reality that the elites of this world have the power to do things to us, without fear of being caught and punished, that humans do not do to other humans. I don’t think anyone describes it better than the creators of The Fall of the Cabal video series which I have recommended numerous times. The injectable bio-weapon that the criminals and the ignorant call a “vaccine” is simply the culmination of their plans so far. If the people responsible were marching around in Gestapo uniforms we might remember how the Jews in Nazi times innocently boarded trains that they thought were simply “relocating” them. The criminals are not wearing Nazi uniforms. They are hiding among politicians, media, public officials, doctors, nurses, administrators, judges, police and the very, very rich.
I have also mentioned an undercover military “Q” operation that has been using surveillance to gather evidence of these people’s crimes and bring them to justice in military tribunals. The proceedings will come out into the open when enough criminals have been caught and enough people have been sufficiently awakened to cope with the exposure of the crimes. We are not just talking of a niche here and there. The extent of the criminal network is unimaginable to most of us.
One of the leading lights in the truther movement is Simon Parkes, a former British member of parliament. He has recently written the following post about fear of unpleasant truths being the reason why so many individuals are refusing to listen to warnings about the Covid jab, for instance. He believes this is the reason why truths about the crimes of the elites are being dripped out so slowly into the mainstream media.
Truthers, on the other hand, are fed up with being labelled “conspiracy theorists” and scurrying around in the back channels to get the facts. They want the truth out in the open, on television, radio and in the newspapers, where it should be.
I don’t agree that disbelief is motivated by fear alone. Yes, many people dislike unpleasantness and will avoid anything to do with it. But goodness knows journalists have broken some appalling stories, and the world has been through the horrors of war. People watch movies with the most gruesome details. It's not necessarily fear, it's about whom we trust. It's about allocating roles in society. We want our current affairs news from the TV, not from our next-door neighbour. If the BBC tells us we need a vaccine to avoid spreading a deadly disease, we take it, unless we have special reasons to disbelieve this. If the BBC were then to tell us the whole pandemic was made up in order to sell us a population-reducing bio-weapon, we will believe that too.
Let's take another example. Having studied the facts, I know without any shadow of a doubt that there is no such thing as a SARS-COV-2 virus. Yet I find that only a few people in the truther community are prepared to accept that, no matter how much evidence. Even in the truther community, people look to high-profile sources to tell them what to think. (One of the problems is that some high-profile experts on our side of the fence are still talking about a “virus”, a “vaccine”, and “spike proteins”.)
So, let me know your thoughts. Do you believe there is a “SARS-COV-2”? Do you think the Q campaign should make the media speed up their disclosure of the truth? What stage of knowing do you think the general public are at right now? Is “vax hesitancy” increasing?
Looking forward to your thoughts
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