The image above is a representation of all the energies and influences that surround us. Humanity is represented by the man who is bending down, who feels the influences but cannot see them. He does not know whether it is an angel or a demon who is trying to grab him. He just feels the pull.
Just like our DNA which has receptors for certain electromagnetic frequencies, our spirit accepts or rejects the “pull” of spiritual forces in our environment. It accepts or rejects an idea, a concept, a thought, a person. We sometimes refer to our acceptance as “resonance”. It’s important to resonate for the right reasons, and there can be more to this than you think.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Christians know about these: Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. The more religious among us may perhaps chastise ourselves if we succumb to these human flaws.
But really that’s quite a superficial way of looking at them. I believe they have a much deeper meaning. I believe that we are warned against the Seven Deadly Sins because they are the gateways for harmful spiritual entities to gain control over us. If these entities can catch us unaware, they will. Pride (“ego”) may mean that we don’t listen to another person who has perhaps been sent to us with a message from the angels. We think we know better. Gluttony is not just about over-eating, it can be an addiction to the wrong foods which will make us ill. Greed can lead to a drug or gambling addiction, a constant need for stimulation. Wrath (hate) can lead to murder. Lust can consume the unwary so much that they allow another person to control them completely. Sloth or laziness causes us to go down the wrong path because we didn’t check our facts or do our due diligence. Envy is about material values leading us into constant competition with others.
Of course we are all drawn in by these energies to some extent. They are common human failings. Most of us experience only minor problems when their “hands” (using the metaphor of the above image) touch us. The true harm only starts if we let their low-frequency energies expand in us. Many times they become obsession, at which point the dark entities take us over.
How to prevent this?
We have all heard of “mindfulness” but are maybe not sure what it is. I see it as using honest self-reflection, self-examination and self-analysis to ensure that we are not indulging in automatic thoughts and automatic behaviour, but conscious thoughts and conscious behaviour. “Why did I do that?” “Why do I think that?” can reveal whether our actions are ego-driven, for instance.
Honesty is essential. If we are to rise to the level of the angels, we have to shed all the false facades that we present to the world (and to ourselves!) in the hope that others will think better of us. Our need to maintain an “image” is exploited by dark entities. Depending on whether we fancy ourselves as “I support the latest thing in the media” do-gooders, or just want to be rich and powerful, they draw us in with empathy traps or with the lure of wealth and success.
I wrote about empathy traps in this article:
“Be true to yourself”
Many a guru has said that. Raising our vibration, our consciousness, is all about dropping the BS. There’s no need to impress people, no need to listen to peer pressure, no need to say Yes when you would rather say No. Above all, you don’t need anyone else to validate you. Other people are not a mirror for how to see yourself. All of this kind of behaviour is fear-based. Fear is a low frequency and will attract other low frequencies to it.
On the other hand everyone you encounter is a potential teacher, a potential messenger from the angels, so be humble, be open to criticism and think carefully before you dismiss it.
When you are truly yourself, aware of the truthful reasons for everything you do and say, you will finally see the hands of the angels reaching out to you. They want you to fulfil your dreams, to satisfy your soul. They will help you if you listen. As their good energies come closer, your instincts will improve too, helping you to distinguish between good and bad sources of information. You will also attract people into your life who are at a higher vibrational level, so don’t be afraid to let go of old alliances that are no longer good for you.
Avoid low vibration people. Spend your time with good people.
Never stop learning, never stop being curious.
Treat people well, don't exploit them.
Take a little time each day to remember what you are grateful for.
Service to others is the highest form of energy.