I like to buy cryptocurrency from time to time, especially now, when the world of finance is on such shaky ground. But last week when I attempted to do that online, my bank blocked the transaction. The payee was the same exchange I had purchased from several times before.
I tried with my debit card instead. My bank blocked the transaction and then blocked my card. It simply stopped working for any kind of purchase.
This kind of thing really wakes you up to the fact that money in the bank isn’t real. It’s just figures on a computer, and if someone decides you can’t have it, there’s nothing you can do. Remember the Canadian truckers last year who tried to protest against Justin Trudeau’s tyrannical behaviour? They had their bank accounts blocked just for taking part in an anti-government protest.
Bitchute founder Ray Vahey, who allows uncensored political content on the Bitchute video platform, has for two years been fighting attempts to shut him down by freezing his bank accounts.
Tyranny is a sign of a communist agenda, and it’s always sold to us as “for the greater good”. The World Economic Forum’s communist Agenda 2030 is quite open that the “greater good” narrative is all about pandemics which WEF itself manufactures, and climate change, which doesn’t exist. WEF member Jacques Attali has written that if we are stupid enough to believe these scams then we deserve the consequences.
Some of us knew the rules imposed on us during the “Covid pandemic” were complete nonsense, utterly ridiculous, but we complied anyway. I was one of them. Many people—angrily referred to as “cov-idiots”—did not.
Thank goodness for those cov-idiots. We were all being carefully monitored by WEF to see how compliant people would be; how well the plan would work, while Boris, Hancock et al. who were in the know, partied away knowing there was no pandemic at all.
Tyranny relies on compliance. There are far more of us than there are of “them”. Non-compliance is the one thing they fear. That’s why the awakening is so important. That’s why I’m writing these articles hoping you will share them widely.
If only one or two people refuse to wear masks—which are the symbols of silencing us—they can be bullied with fines or even imprisonment. If ten million people refuse, and tear up the letters demanding the payment of fines, that not only puts paid to a mask regulation, but also to any plans of further, more stringent controls such as enforced gene-altering injections and 15-minute cities.
Australian senator Alex Antic on Sky News: “This is what the World Economic Forum is all about“
According to the senator, the World Economic Forum is about control. From the outside, everything looks normal. You see people in fancy suits talking to each other. These elites think they know what's good for you.
At the WEF, the former British Prime Minister called for a "digital infrastructure" to monitor people's vaccination status. There was talk of vaccination records. The elites are only concerned with two things: climate change and pandemics, Antic said.
They use the "state of emergency" as a Trojan horse to gain more control over people, the senator stressed. He pointed out that the World Health Organization (WHO) is in the process of adjusting international health guidelines. The adjustments should ensure that WHO dictates policy in the event of the next pandemic.
A digital ID, surveillance, digital passports and a global health platform are part of the plan, Antic added. "This is all about control," he said.
Never mind this, WEF’s instructions are to go ahead with “15-minute cities” regardless, with the aim of controlling our travel movements. All objections are over-ruled, despite so-called democratic consultations. Click below to view a news report from the UK, followed by a citizen reporter from Canada.
When democracy fails, it looks like direct action is the only solution. But who are the real criminals?
And what’s the bet electric vehicles will become compulsory in the next stage of the WEF plan? Like those electric mechanical diggers that run on a battery for 2 hours and then have to be charged with a diesel generator for 8 hours?
It’s time for us all to become like the cov-idiots. They knew we couldn’t “trust the science”. They could smell the BS and they had no intention of sleep-walking into tyranny. It’s time for all of us to start noticing the signs and saying NO when our basic freedoms, even in small ways, are challenged “for our own good”.