I have just completed writing a module on post-viral fatigue syndromes and Lyme disease for my course at naturostudy.org. One symptom of so-called “Long Covid” that people find puzzling and upsetting is hair loss. This seems to be very common, but it could have a much simpler explanation than we think. Apparently GPs are not trained to know anything about hair loss, as this GP explains to us on TikTok. She had to go to a trichologist, a hair expert, to find out how to reverse her own alopecia.
Iron deficiency is extremely common. A borderline iron status could tip over into the deficiency range due to the stress of illness. If you suffer from post-viral hair loss, you should ask your GP for a ferritin test. This will show if you have low iron levels and need to take a supplement. If this is indeed the case, at the very least you will have educated your GP.
If you are vegan or follow mostly a plant-based diet, remember that although foods like beans and lentils are rich in iron, they need to be consumed in the same meal with vitamin C rich foods like green peppers, fresh fruit or orange juice for the iron to be absorbed.
There are also shampoos that people with Long Covid have found helpful for restoring their hair. You can do a search on Google. Or you can go to Naturostudy.org and get a real health education.
I wonder is this a factor for the population ignoring long Covid, whatever that truly is? With nutrition poor for the majority of the population is it no wonder we note increasing hair loss particularly in men today. This is just an observation I have no evidence to backup this claim. I'd be interested to know though.