Dear Readers
As promised, I have been searching the internet for you to find information about the anti-parasitic medicine fenbendazole (generic name) or Panacur (brand name). After cancer patient Joe Tippens took it when his veterinarian told him it had an anti-cancer effect on dogs, Joe made a complete recovery from cancer.
It’s always exciting to read stories like that, but you mustn’t take them at face value. Always do your own research. Countless times I got excited about a remedy that someone swore cured their cancer, only to find it was just one of an arsenal of many other things that person did to regain health. It may have been the most important part, or maybe not. People are not always very logical, which is why clinical trials are valuable.
Here is Joe’s Story Below was his protocol. As you can see, it wasn’t just fenben:
Fenbendazole (222mg)
Vitamin E (800IU daily)
Curcumin (600mg daily)
CBD oil (25mg per day)
While searching on fenben, as it is known, I did indeed find more information regarding its use against cancer, though most of the information is sharing advice and protocols rather than testimonials. Here is a snippet from Lulu Bowen on Telegram:
I’ve many dogs, and my cupboard has oregano oil (antibiotic), chlorine dioxide (treatment for severe illness and skin issues), vitamin C (excellent for elderly dogs, it extends the life of their back legs), and fenbendazole (use for anti-parasitic once a year, and also have used it to breakdown a cancer lump in my old dog who is still going strong). I was so impressed by the stuff, I now keep a stash. I feed them a raw food diet—which if anyone is up for it has the biggest benefit’s I’ve seen. I’m rural, so this is great for us. No fleas, no ticks, no smelly-dog smell, no farts (!!!Biggest BONUS EVER!😄), lean muscular bodies, clean teeth, no smelly breath and their hair is like rabbit fur, silky.
From Kimberley, on Telegram
My friend did FenBen and then Ivermectin topically for the few tumors she could feel. Her dog had 2 internal and 2-3 on her back. 4 weeks later dog is tumor free.
From another Telegram thread
We've now put my Dad on fenben. He has terminal prostate cancer and he's really picked up now... we were looking at getting him a carer but he says he doesn't need one now!
And here’s the story of Scott Davis
So, how does fenbendazole work against cancer?
Cancer cells are cells which have converted to living without oxygen. They were not getting enough oxygen, so they had to adapt abnormally to live without it. The immune system is supposed to root out abnormal cells, and destroy them to prevent them forming tumours. But if the immune system can’t get to the abnormal cells, it cannot do its job. This can happen when the body hardens an inflamed area in a process known as fibrosis. The hardening is caused by a protein called fibrin. It is intended to stop whatever is causing the inflammation from getting into the general blood circulation. Unfortunately it also restricts the blood supply to the area, thus reducing oxygen availability.
Many things can cause inflammation, including toxins, allergic reactions, injuries, embedded particles like talc or asbestos, and bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections.
The longer the inflamed area is fibrosed, the higher the risk of prolonged oxygen depletion and cells becoming cancerous. If your blood oxygen levels are not too good to begin with (such as when people wear face masks), the higher the risk of cancer development. Face-masks are a possible contributor to the increasing trend of turbo-cancers which have become worryingly common in those who received the covid vaccine.
Steve Kirsch: Cancers are coming back with a vengeance
Fenbendazole directly attacks cancer cells in three ways:
It destroys microtubules that sustain the structure of the cancer cell and its ability to divide and multiply rapidly.
It interrupts the cancer cells’ ability to process sugar, and cancer cells must metabolize sugar to survive.
It boosts the production of a cancer-killing gene called p53, a gene cancer patients may lack. When p53 becomes mutated or can’t keep cancer cells in check, cancer cells can proliferate.
It reduces the likelihood of cancer stem cells developing.
As a de-wormer it also destroys parasites which might be causing areas of tissue inflammation and fibrosis.
Fenbendazole availability
I recommend you download this pdf from Dr Lee Merritt’s excellent and informative website. It includes US sources of the product. UK residents can obtain fenbendazole as a horse paste and use it with Dr Merritt’s protocol.
How to use the horse paste: See the plastic syringe in the photo? Just remove the cap then set the dial to allow you to squeeze out a pea-size blob of paste directly on to your tongue and swallow it. Don’t worry, it tastes fine!
Other protocols, further resources, research studies and links
Twitter thread: Cancer as a microparasite
Fenbendazole and cancer
Research study
Another protocol
FloridaSharkman protocols and daily updates
Facebook links
Joe Tippens video
Facebook support group
Support group for dog cancer
Dr Lee Merritt also recommends nitazoxanide for non-intestinal parasites—for instance those that can lodge in the brain. Also works on parasites that are resistant to other types of wormers. The only site I could find that does not require a prescription is
With thanks to Evi for the links she sent me.
Sorry for the broken link in subscribers' email version of this article, it should be
The link has now been corrected on the web page.
Thank you Linda, this information is priceless